See also Setting Default Markups
Indirect Expenses refer to expenses related to Stock, Clean, Supervision and Per Diem. Each indirect expense category has its own dialog in which you are able to add and modify the figures related to each expense. Default Markups can be applied in the Default markup for all sections (Master) dialog.
It is important that you understand how Indirect Expenses affect your bid. It may help you to first change these settings at the bid level through the Markups tab rather than modifying these database-wide settings at the Tools menu. Experiment with all the options. Analyze the results on your reports. When you are comfortable with the results, then modify your Markup and Indirect Expense database-level defaults as outlined below.
To set Database, or Default level Indirect Expenses, from the Tools menu, click Default Markups/Indirect Expenses. The Default Markups (Master) dialog appears.
You can use the existing 'Default markups for all sections" to apply the same Indirect expenses to all sections. Or you can click Add to select any existing Section to setup custom default Indirect Expenses (and Markups) for that specific section. If you add Sections to the Default Markups list, you must setup Indirect Expenses and Markups for each of those sections or none will be applied.
The Stock tab allows you to enter stocking costs on all materials or payroll classes in the database.
Choose a Calculation Method for Stock. To change the calculation method, click on the arrow in the Calculation Method field and click on your preferred calculation method.
Material Quantity - calculates how much it costs to stock the job based on the quantity of materials in the job.
Material Cost - calculates how much it costs to stock the job based on the material costs in the job.
Labor Hours - calculates how much it costs to stock the job based on the amount of labor hours required.
Select a Result for the calculation method to be shown as either Labor Cost or Material Cost. To change how the result is shown, click the arrow in the Show result as field, and click on your preferred result method.
Make any needed changes, additions or deletions to the Payroll Class, Percent, Installer, Wage Type or Cost Code. This can be done by typing in the cells or using the Lookup tool .
The Clean tab allows you to enter cleaning costs for materials or payroll classes in the database.
Determine Calculation Method and Show results as (same as the Stock tab).
Enter the Mat. (Material) Cost Code, Cost and Cost Code.
The Supervision tab allows you to enter supervision costs of a job.
Click on the arrow in the Calculation Method field and click on your preferred calculation method.
Labor Cost - calculates how much it costs to supervise a job based on the cost of labor in the job.
Labor Hours - calculates how much it costs to supervise a job based on the number of hours of labor in the job.
Enter the Payroll Class, Wage Type, Percent, Supervisor, Wage Type and Cost Code.
The Per Diem tab allows you to enter allowances for daily expenses for a particular pay class.
Enter a number in the Per Hour or Per Day field for a Payroll Class.
Entering a number in one of these fields will automatically cause the other field to be filled in. These fields auto-populate in this way depending on the number of hours you have set in a normal work day.
Enter a Cost
Code and click
to return to the Markup Detail (Master)
Make sure to set
up Indirect Expenses for each Payroll Class / Wage Type combination. For
example, if you are setting up STOCK for a Waterproofer and you use all
three wage types (Union, Open, Sub), be sure you make an entry for each
of those wage types.
See Bid Markups for more information on Markups and Indirect Expenses.