A database holds all the information for your projects. You can choose to have one or many databases. Creating a database is the essential first step to working with the Quick Bid program.
Some clients create a database for each estimator, while others use one for each different geographic location. This helps them use the default settings that match the needs of a particular project. Some clients create a separate database for each job - this is helpful if you have a job folder and want to keep everything impacting that job in that folder. However you decide to manage your database, you will need to understand how to: Create, Synchronize, Setup and Share your databases.
There are two types of databases: Microsoft Access and SQL Server. Determine which you will be using, and follow the directions provided below for creating that type of database. When creating a database, you will need to specify whether the database will default to Imperial or Metric. See Units of Measurement for more information.
Creating an Microsoft Access type database