Master Menu Items

The Items List (Master) contains all of the Items in a particular database.    An Item is anything related to labor or material. Each database has a Master Items List, which consists of all the items needed for a job: cost codes, labor codes and material codes. The Master Items List is the database-level default for all of this information. You can create a new item or modify an existing item by selecting it in this list.


You can create a new, modify an existing or delete an item by selecting it in the Items List (Master) list. Creating new items or modifying items is done on the Item Detail (Master) dialog.

The Item Detail (Master) dialog is presented in six basic parts, the header which describes the Item and five tabs which give you access to Tables that hold default information for cost codes, quantity, calculations, sizing and pricing information. The next six pages will explain each tab.


Changing an existing record at the master level will affect all future jobs, but will not affect existing jobs.  

You may delete an existing record from the Master Items List even if that record has been used in a job. However, you cannot delete a record if it is currently in use in an assembly or if it is used as part of a chain or mixture.


See Building Conditions for information on using Items in your bid. Once you add an Item to a bid, it is copied from the Master Items Table to a Bid Items Table so it is isolated from other bids. Changing an Item within a bid (a Bid Level Item) will not affect the Master Item unless you choose to update the Master while editing the Bid Level Item.


                         Item Detail - Overview