Division and Section
designations are taken from MasterFormat
Divisions are not used by themselves in Quick Bid. Quick Bid uses Sections, which are assigned to Divisions. The only reason to create a new division is so that you can assign a section to it and then use that section in your bid.
Adding and deleting Divisions and Sections is done at the Master level. Sections are assigned to divisions in Quick Bid. To create a new section you must either create it under an existing division or create a new division to assign it under.
When typing the new Section number, follow the CSI MasterFormatâ„¢ 1995 & 2004. For more information and the latest trends on the CSI MasterFormat, please visit www.csinet.org.
From the Master menu, click Divisions/Sections. The Divisions/Sections (Master) dialog appears.
Click and a blank line will appear.
Enter a description for the division in the Description field.
To renumber a Division, click on it in the No. field and make your changes.
Once you have created a new Division, you
must create its accompanying section or sections.
Quick Bid uses the CSI MasterFormatâ„¢ 1995 & 2004. For
more information and the latest trends on the CSI MasterFormat, please
visit www.csinet.org.
From the Master menu, click Divisions/Sections. The Divisions/Sections (Master) dialog appears.
Click and a blank line will appear.
Enter a description for the Section in the Description field.
To renumber a Section, click on it in the No. field and make your changes.
Click to place the new Section
in your bid.
From the Master menu, click Divisions/Sections. The Divisions/Sections (Master) dialog appears.
Select the Division or Section you want to delete by highlighting it.
Click . The Delete
Verification dialog will appear.
Turn on all confirmation dialogs must be checked to receive this dialog. To turn confirmation dialogs on or off go to Tools>Options, General tab, Confirmations.
Click either YES
to delete or NO to return to the
Division/Section (Master) dialog.
See Section Active Bid Sections for information on inserting Divisions and Sections into a bid.
See Section Named Sets for instructions on creating default sets of Divisions and Sections.