Quick Bid provides an opportunity for General Contractors to preset a scope of CSI (Construction Specifications Institute) sections for a specific job. In fact, templates may be set up for different categories of work. Activated sections will be displayed in numerical order by division on Subs tab under Subcontractor. This display allows the Contractor to quickly check his Subs list on bid day to determine if he has to plug a number or ascertain if he has full coverage from his subs.
From the Bid menu, click the Select Active Sections. The Select Active Bid Sections dialog appears.
Check every division or section you want to activate.
The Divisions/Sections dialogs look and act similarly. The only difference is that at the bid level, you are able to select a Section for use in a bid, whereas in the Master level, you are viewing the Master record. Any divisions or sections you create at the Master level will be available to all bids in the database. To include a section in a BID, however, you must be in a bid.
You can also create Named Sets of Active Bid Sections to quickly change this setting. See Options and Defaults - Named Sets for more information.