The Labor tab summarizes labor charged to each Cost Code at a specific production rate. It displays a list of all Cost Codes used in the current bid. A Cost Code, or Labor Cost Code (LCC), identifies a particular type of labor being performed. These codes are normally broken out by UOM and production. So, the same cost code may be listed multiple times on the Labor tab, depending on the UOM and production rate for each condition.
Use the Section, Area, Cost Code and Condition Type filter fields located directly below the main tab to help filter the view.
Each column can be sorted by clicking the column header.
You can adjust your view of the Labor tab by right-clicking anywhere in the tab and selecting or deselecting Break Labor by Height and/or Show Description
Place a check in the View conditions in use box to display a list of all conditions in which the selected Cost Code appears. You can then bring up the Condition Detail for a condition for review or editing.
Select Labor
Adjust either by clicking the
button or right-clicking on a selected Cost
Code to modify Est.
Crew time
in days and/or hours
and Cost. Updates to crew
time will update Cost. Updates
to Cost will automatically update
the Est. Crew time. See Adjusting
Labor Production for more information on making adjustments to the
Labor production rates in your bid.
Cost Codes can be changed by clicking the Lookup
tool . The Cost
Code list
(Master) dialog appears. Select the Cost
Code you wish to use, click
, the dialog closes and the Cost Code and
the related Height, Description,
Quantity and UOM
columns are adjusted based on the newly selected LCC.
Adjustments cannot be made to Height, Description, Quantity or UOM on the Labor tab.
Production (Qty/Hr or Qty/Day) can be adjusted directly in the selected cell. You can toggle between Qty/Hr and Qty/Day by right-clicking and select from the context menu to View by Qty/Day or View by Qty/Hr. You can also choose to Show by Decimal Place.
Cost can be adjusted directly in the selected cell. If you wish to view with decimals, right-click anywhere in the column and select Show by Decimal Place and set a decimal setting.
Total Cost can be adjusted directly in the selected cell. If you wish to view decimals, right-click anywhere in the column and select Show Decimal Place and set a decimal setting.
Wage Type can be adjusted directly in the selected cell. Union, Open and Sub can be selected from a drop down menu in each cell.
Prod. Updated (Production Updated)
column displays the date an update is made to labor.
When you select a decimal place setting, it will change the setting
for the entire column. Show by Decimal Place is only available for Qty/Day, Qty/Hr, Cost and Total Cost.
Other Context Menu Options
Update Unit Cost will change the unit cost by the percentage set for all filtered items on the Labor tab.
Change Wage Type will change the wage types for all items on the Labor tab
You can also adjust labor production by using the Labor Adjust dialog box on the Labor tab or within specific conditions. See Adjusting Labor Production - Condition and Adjusting Labor Production - Labor Tab for more detailed information.
Adjustments made to Labor affect all uses of a particular Labor Cost Code throughout your bid. Be sure you understand what this means before making changes.