On-Screen Takeoff 3.8.1 User Guide
21.02.08 Converting CPC files when running Windows Vista
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21 Support & Troubleshooting > 21.02.08 Converting CPC files when running Windows Vista

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Converting CPC files when running Windows Vista®


When On-Screen Takeoff attempts to convert a CPC file to TIF format, a command prompt (DOS) window will flash but the file(s) will not convert.


Before running On-Screen Takeoff 3.4.1 and newer (especially on Windows Vista), an Administrator on your PC must manually register the CPCTool converter in order to view CPC files.


Please follow the instructions listed below.


  1. Open Windows Explorer

  2. Navigate to where On-Screen Takeoff is installed (by default, C:\Program Files\On-Screen Takeoff 3)

  3. Right-Click on the CPCTool.exe file (a context menu will display)
  4. Select Run As Administrator - if you are not an Administrator on the PC, you must have an Administrator enter their credentials in order to proceed

  5. Remove the check mark indicated below (for Windows XP and Vista)



  6. A Microsoft-DOS type window (Command Prompt) will open asking you if you would like to review the CPCTool User Agreement

  7. Type in Y (for yes) and press <Enter>

  8. You are then prompted to accept the agreement – type Y and press <Enter>


NOTE: Once an Administrator has accepted this agreement, you will not see this window again. You will be prompted to convert your CPC files each time you import them into On-Screen Takeoff (version 3.4) or they will automatically be converted upon access (3.5)


Additional Information:


See the FAQ CPC Files Compatibility with On-Screen Takeoff for more information regarding CPC files.


See the FAQ Unable to View or Convert Plans after downloading for additional troubleshooting steps when plans are saved to a network location.


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