On-Screen Takeoff 3.8.1 User Guide
21.02.09 Unable to View or Convert Plans after downloading
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21 Support & Troubleshooting > 21.02.09 Unable to View or Convert Plans after downloading

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Unable to View or Convert Plans After Downloading

Sometimes, after you have downloaded plans from a planroom or builders’ exchange On-Screen Takeoff will not display them. A Red banner is shown on the Image tab that image cannot be displayed although on the CoverSheet, all files are shown in black indicating they are found (see Adding (Linking) Images to Bid for more information about how to use the Cover Sheet to add or modify image paths).

What's Wrong?

There is a known issue with Windows that can prevent On-Screen Takeoff from accessing files when the full file path is longer than 256 characters.


That means that if a user is storing files in a network location, they must ensure that the full path, including the file name is less than 256 characters.  This normally occurs when a user is attempting to access a CPC type file - the converter that On-Screen Takeoff uses to convert the image cannot access or manipulate the file.


Check Tools > Options > Folders and note the Planroom folder. Try changing the Planroom folder to the default (C:\OCS DOCUMENTS\OST\) and then try to download and view the plans again.


Click to EnlargeClick to Enlarge


If the images display now, then you simply need to simply the folder structure on your network to reduce the total file path length and/or contact the Planroom and ask them to review their folder structure/file names.


If the images are still not being displayed and the Cover Sheet still shows that the images are found (black) then you will need to contact Technical Support for additional assistance.


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