On-Screen Takeoff 3.8 User Guide
4.03.07 Master Menu
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04 The User Interface > 4.03.07 Master Menu

Glossary Item Box

Master Menu

The Master menu provides access to all the tables of the current database. Master database tables hold information used in all bids in the database.



NOTE:  The items in the Master menu are also referred to as Master menu tables.





Click to pull up the Employees table of the database. Employees can be used to assign rights to certain employees.

Job Statuses

Click to pull up the Job Statuses table. This table will have all the defined Job Statuses within the database. Job Statuses can be used to track current status of a job as well as lock jobs that are in a certain status.

Condition Types

Click to pull up the Condition Type table of the database. Used to separate and group conditions logically by Condition Type.

Style Library

Click to pull up the Style Library table of the database. This will include all Styles, or Conditions, that have been saved to the database for future use.

Style Sets

Click to pull up the Style Sets table of the database. These include any Styles that have been grouped together in a logical manner and stored for future use as Style Sets.

Default Layers

Click to pull up the Default Layers table of the database. Default layers are automatically added to every future job.


Each of these Master Menu tables are detailed in Master Tables.


Digitizer Menu 

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