Quick Bid - 09.14.04 Cherry Picking which Items' Pricing to Accepting (Awarding) from One or More eQuotes - QB


In the previous article, we covered how to accept a Supplier's entire eQuote. You can also "cherry" pick which Item's pricing you want to accept from more than one Supplier.

Accepting (Awarding) Individual Items from an eQuote (partial)

To award selected Items from an eQuote to a Supplier,

Tick the checkboxes for the Items you want to award to a Supplier, notice that the 'select all' box under the Supplier's name turns 'semi-selected'...

In the eQuotes panel, check the boxes next to the Supplier's price you want to accept/award

Click on the Supplier's name - this opens a drop down

Select Accept Quote (again, based on your Options settings and access rights, you may be prompted to update Master Material Pricing)

The Materials Tab is updated to reflect the Supplier's pricing and name and the date the price was updated only for the selected Items...

Awarded line items are color-coded in yellow

Although you can select which Items from an eQuote to accept, you run the risk of your Supplier not honoring prices if you do. The Supplier is basing his/her quoted prices on the eQuote as a group of Items (meaning he or she may be offering a special price on one Item because of some a price break when it is included with another Item.

After Accepting (Awarding) an eQuote, you can "unaccept" it.

click here to view the previous article Accepting (Awarding) a Supplier's Entire eQuoteUnaccepting an eQuote click here to view the next article