Digital Production Control - 01.04 How to Use Keyboard Shortcuts to Improve Efficiency - DPC


Digital Production Control includes various ways of accessing program functionality. Get familiar with the shortcuts below to save yourself valuable time when percenting and entering time.

Keyboard Shortcuts

Keystroke CombinationButtonWhat it does/How it is used...
<Page Up>the left-facing arrow next to the Page Navigator drop down opens the previous pageNavigates to previous Page
<Page Down>the right-facing arrow next to the Page Navigator drop down opens the next pageNavigates to next Page
<Esc> (Escape) key
Dismisses dialog box and/or cancels command
<Ctrl> + <A>
Selects all objects on current page for selected Cost Code (LCC)
<Ctrl> + <I>
Opens the Adjust Images dialog box on the Image Tab where you can adjust how the program displays the plans (darken, enhance, invert, etc.)
<*>the zoom full page button looks like a sheet of paper with a magnifying glass over itZooms to FULL PAGE
<+>the zoom in button looks like a magnifying glass with a plus sign in itZooms in
<->the zoom out button looks like a magnifying glass with a minus sign in itZooms out
</>the zoom to 100% (scale) looks like a magnifying glass with the number 1 in itZooms to 100%

Scroll Wheel Functions (mouse)

FunctionWhat it does/How it is used...
Scroll WheelPans the plan Vertically (Up and Down)
Click on the Pages Drop Down on the Image Tab and use the mouse's scroll wheel to quickly cycle through the pages in the project
<Ctrl> + ScrollZooms In and Out on the plan
<Shift> + ScrollPans image Horizontally (Left and Right)

Switching between Takeoff Mode and DPC Mode

when you are in DPC mode, there is a Takeoff button at the bottom of the LCC window to flip back to takeoff mode - The Takeoff Mode button is visible on the Image Tab, in the Labor Cost Codes Window. This button returns a bid to Takeoff mode so the Foreman can see the actual takeoff of a project and the associated conditions.

  • You do not need a 'tko' license to switch to "Takeoff Mode", any DPC license holder can do that. This allows the DPC foreman to look at the takeoff, Conditions, and Bid Areas.
  • You do need a 'tko' and 'dpm' license if you want to unlock the Bid, while in Takeoff Mode, to edit it or add Change Orders. (You also need Quick Bid installed and a QB license.)

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