Quick Bid - 03.11 Selecting "Active" Bid Sections - QB


Quick Bid lets you select the Divisions/Sections for which you require Subcontractor Bids when creating a Bid, we call this "Active Sections". Configuring "Active Sections" lets you preset a scope of CSI (Construction Specifications Institute) Sections for a specific job. You can even setup "Named Sets" of "Active Sections" for different types of jobs. This way, as an example, you will not forget to get a Subs bid for one section. Divisions and Sections are covered in the next Chapter (Masters).

Active Sections are displayed in numerical order by Division on the Subs Tab under Subcontractor. This display allows the Contractor to quickly check the Subs list on Bid day to determine if he has to plug a number or ascertain if he has full coverage from his subs (for a refresher on the Subs Tab, see Related Articles).

Configure Active Sections

First, on the Subs Tab, right-click and select "Show Section Breaks" - you'll see why after you select "Active Sections".

Quick Bid Subs Tab context menu highlighting the Show Sections option

Click Bid > Select Active Sections - the Select Active Bid Sections dialog opens.

Quick Bid Select Active Bid Sections dialog box

Check every Division or Section to make Active (for which you expect to receive Subcontractor bids).

Click OK. You're returned to the Subs Tab, where you'll see a grouping for each Section.

Quick Bid Subs Tab showing Active Sections

As your bid progresses, you can check for blank/empty Section groups on the Subs Tab to identify those sections for which you still need Subcontract bids.

Created Named Sets

To create a set of Active Bid Sections common to every Bid of a certain 'type', save the Active Sections into a Named Set.

To save a set of Sections as a Named Set,

Click Bid > Select Active Bid Sections... the Select Active Bid Sections dialog box opens

Quick Bid Select Active Bid Sections dialog box showing how to name a set

In the dialog that opens, select whichever Sections you want to include in this Set in the top section.

Click New in the bottom section and name this Set.

Now, whenever you want to add these Sections to a Bid's Subs Tab, open this dialog box, select the Set in click Select.

a set of Active Sections displayed on the Subs Tab

The Divisions/Sections are added to the Subs Tab so you can track your subcontract Bids.

You must select "Show Division Breaks" and "Show Section Breaks", on the Subs Tab.

click here to view the previous article Default Indirect Expenses for Individual Sections What are Masters? click here to view the next article