Bid Areas and Typical Groups
Although takeoff inside a Typical Group Frame can be allocated to one or more Bid Areas, once the Typical Group Frame is drawn, the Area assignment of that takeoff is no longer applied. The Bid Area allocation of the Typical Group Markers is what matters. See Related Articles for details on setting up Bid Areas and assigning takeoff objects to a Bid Area.
In our example below, we've drawn three pieces of takeoff and allocated one to Floor 1, another to Floor 2, and the third to Floor 3 (the Condition Names are set to the Bid Area to which each object is assigned, just to make it easier to follow).

Once we draw the Typical Group Frame, those individual Bid Area assignments are irrelevant. Only the Bid Area to which the Markers are assigned matters.
In our example, we dropped two Typical Group Markers on a page. One we assigned one to "Floor 4" and we left the other "unassigned".
Now, when we look at the Takeoff Tab (grouped by Area, of course), we can see how the Markers' Area assignment is used, not the individual objects' Area assignment...

Although takeoff inside a Typical Group Frame can be allocated to one or more Bid Areas, once the Typical Group Frame is drawn, the Area assignment of that takeoff is no longer applied. The Bid Area allocation of the Typical Group Markers determines the that group of takeoff's Bid Area assignment. See Related Articles for more information on Bid Areas.
Our final option for Typical Takeoff is "Repeating Pages" - sometimes called "Typical Pages" or "Virtual Pages".