Database Options New Bid Tab

New Bid options only affect bids created after the options are changed. These settings are applied to each new bid's Cover Sheet. These are only the defaults for new bids and can be changed anytime after a new bid is created.

  1. From the Tools menu, click Options.

  2. Choose New Bid

Next Bid Number, Enter the next bid number Quick Bid should assign here.  You can enter any number you want, as long as they do not repeat. For example, if you want your next bid to be numbered 200, enter 200 in this field. If that number is not available, Quick Bid will select the next highest, available number.

Bidding Company, This option allows you to automatically insert your company name on the Cover Sheet as the bidding company when you open a new bid.  This name will appear on all of your bid reports and proposals.

Default Wage Type, This option allows you to choose a default wage type, which will be applied to each new bid you create.

Hours/Day, This option defines the hours in a work day.  It is the hours you pay per day.  If you change your hours per day, production per hour will remain the same by default but production per day will change.  So quantity, pieces and time expressed in days are affected.

Days/Week, Enter the number of days in a regular work week.

Markup Method, choose one of the Markup Methods:

Apply Labor to Additional Waste Quantity, This option allows Quick Bid to apply labor on any waste quantities or any quantity that is increased at the Materials tab when the round-up feature is applied.

Apply Default Indirect Expenses, If you have set up indirect expenses at the Tools menu for stock, clean, supervision and per diem.  When checked, this option applies that indirect expense to each section that holds indirect expense defaults.

Cover Page Report Text, This text box allows you to type in whatever you would like to always print as a cover page for your bid reports.


Database Options M/U Cost Codes