Upgrading to the latest version of Quick Bid automatically upgrades your databases. You will need to make sure and purchase a license for the Quick Bid version you are upgrading to before opening any databases in the upgraded version of Quick Bid.
If you do not purchase a new license, you will receive the following message,"You are not licensed for this version of Quick Bid and the database needs to be updated to work with this version. An update to the database cannot be undone. Are you sure you want to open and update the database."
If you click NO, this dialog closes and the database does not open. If you click YES, the database opens; but in read-only. You will not be able to modify bids in the database, nor will you be able to return to the previous version. An update to a database cannot be undone.
You will need to contact your Account Manager to purchase the license to the Quick Bid version you have upgraded to and you will then be able to access these databases.
On Center Software recommends that you ensure you have a recent backup of all databases before installing upgrades to the program.
If you are using an SQL database, please remember only the DBO (database owner) can perform the upgrade. Restricted users are unable to make the structural changes within the database necessary to upgrade.
If you are using Quick Bid 99 or any of the 3 series of Quick Bid, review 6.06.02 Converting a Database from a Previous Version of Quick Bid for assistance.