Help Menu

There are several options available from the Help Menu.

First you can access basic Application Help by click Quick Bid Help (or pressing the F1 key on your keyboard). You can also check the On Center Software web site to see if there are any updates available for the application.


You can access Training Central


You can access Support Central


Menu Choice



Quick Bid Help


Opens the Application help system installed on the local machine

Check for Updates


Checks the OCS web site server for newer versions - if license is on Support.

Training Central

Training Videos

Opens the web page where user can view the Training Videos for the application.


Online User Guide

Opens the web page where the user can download a PDF copy of the User Guide for the application.

Support Central

Request Support

Opens the Support Request Form web page where user can submit a request to Technical Support for assistance if the program is not operating correctly.


Chat with Support

Opens the web page where user can instantly chat with Technical Support for assistance if the program is not operating correctly. During normal business hours only.


Send a File to Support

Opens a 'drop box' web page where user can send a copy of their database, image file, etc to the main support group for analysis review. Used in conjunction only with an existing Support incident.


User Community

Opens the OCS Forum web page where user can post/review questions to discuss with other estimators.


Quick Bid FAQ

Opens the web page where the user can download a PDF copy  or view an online version of the User Guide for the application.

About Quick Bid


Displays version information



In addition to the Help menu, there are 3 buttons that also provide User Assistance. Each of these buttons opens a web page that provides options for assistance.


What it does

Request Feature

Opens the Feature Request web page where user can submit suggestion for application improvement or new features.

Request Support

Opens the Support Request Form web page where user can submit a request to Technical Support for assistance if the program is not operating correctly.

How Do I...?

Opens the Training Request Form web page where user can review FAQs for quick answers to the most frequently asked questions or submit a question to our Training department about how to use the software.



That's it for the menus. Now, let's take a look at the Tabs by which most functions in Quick Bid are accessed.