On-Screen Takeoff 3.8.1 User Guide
8.07 Showing Decimal Places
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08 Options and Defaults > 8.07 Showing Decimal Places

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Showing Decimal Places

By default, On-Screen Takeoff displays only whole numbers and rounds quantities. You can adjust the number of decimal places in your takeoff quantities to display more precise values.


NOTE: Turning decimal places off will result in a rounding to the nearest whole number - 1.13 is rounded to 1 and 1.51 is rounded to 2.


To turn the decimal places on or off, perform the following steps:


  1. Click the Takeoff tab, right-click the Quantity column, select Show Decimal Places, and select the number of places from the list


    Click to EnlargeClick to Enlarge


  2. Each Quantity column will need to be modified separately - modifying one column will only affect that Quantity number (if you modify Quantity 2 column on the Takeoff tab, only Quantity 2 results are affected in the Conditions window)



  3. Modifying the number of Decimal Places will change the Condition window on the Images tab


    Decimal Places set to 0


    Decimal Places set to 2


NOTE: This is a Program Setting - all bids, all databases are affected.


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