On-Screen Takeoff 3.8.1 User Guide
7.01 About Databases
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07 Databases > 7.01 About Databases

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About Databases

A database stores all of the user information in On-Screen Takeoff such as: Bids, Employees, Styles, Style Sets. Think of a database as a big storehouse where all of the information related to your bids is safely stored. Creating a database is the essential first step to working with the program.


Some clients create a database for each employee, while others use one for each different geographic location. This helps them use the default settings that match the needs of a particular project. Some clients create a separate database for each job - this is helpful if you have a job folder and want to keep everything concerning that job in that folder.


However you decide to manage your database, you will need to understand how to:



There are two types of databases: Microsoft Access® and SQL Server®. Determine which you will be using, and follow the directions provided below for creating that type of database. Every database will default to Imperial or Metric, see Units of Measurement for more information.


Creating a Microsoft Access type database 

Creating a Microsoft SQL type database 

Opening a Database 

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