On-Screen Takeoff 3.8.1 User Guide
5.03.02 Conditions Window
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05 Tabs > 5.03.02 Conditions Window

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Conditions Window

The Conditions Window contains all of the conditions in the current bid along with the quantity or quantities associated with each condition. Selecting the Zones tab will bring up a list of zones, if any, that you have created for your bid. The Conditions window may be 'undocked' by clicking on its title bar (highlighted in the image below) and dragging it to another location within the On-Screen Takeoff program window, or even outside of the program, like a 2nd monitor.


To re-dock the Conditions window, drop it onto its original location, below the Pan Window.


Click to EnlargeClick to Enlarge


NOTE: If using a On-Screen Takeoff project file (*.osx) from your Planroom or DFS site, there will be an addition tab, Planroom.



The Planroom tab on the Conditions window provides access to download the plan files necessary to perform takeoff. This tab is only available when using an OSX file from your Planroom or DFS.


Pan Window 

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