On-Screen Takeoff 3.8.1 User Guide
4.01 Shortcuts, Keys and Control Buttons
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04 The User Interface > 4.01 Shortcuts, Keys and Control Buttons

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Shortcuts, Keys and Control Buttons

Keyboard Shortcuts





<Ctrl> + <A>


Selects all objects on current page or window

<Ctrl> + <C>


Copies the selection to memory to be Pasted later - COPY

<Ctrl> + <D>


Duplicates the selected bid, condition or master table record

<Ctrl> + <E>


Toggles image enhancement on/off for current page

<Ctrl> + <I>


Opens the Adjust Images dialog box on the Image tab

<Ctrl> + <L>


Shows/Hides the Layers dockbar

<Ctrl> + <O>


Activates the Open Databases dialog box

<Ctrl> + <P>


Activates the Print and/or Print Preview screen depending on current focus

<Ctrl> + <R>


Activates the Rotate Takeoff controls

<Ctrl> + <T>


Opens the Set Takeoff Area dialog box when using a Digitizer

<Ctrl> + <V>


Pastes the selection currently in memory to the selected location - PASTE

<Ctrl> + <X>


Cuts the selection to memory to be Pasted later - MOVE

<Ctrl> + <Y>


REDO - reverses the UNDO command

<Ctrl> + <Z>


UNDO - reverses the previous action



1.) Activates the corresponding Menu when a letter is pressed at the same time

2.) On the Image tab, activates the Panning function

<Page Up>


Previous Plan page (previous image)

<Page Down>


Next Plan page (next image)

<Alt> + <Page Up>

Cycles to previous Condition

<Alt> + <Page Down>

Cycles to next Condition

<Insert> key


Inserts a new Bid, Condition or Master record depending on currently active screen

<Ctrl> + <Enter>


Accepts and Closes current dialog box

<Esc> (Escape) key


Dismisses dialog box and/or cancels command


Toggles between Takeoff    and Select Tools  

<Ctrl> + <2>


Opens the View Window

<Ctrl> + <Shift> + <D>


Toggles the Darken option on/off for the current page



Zooms to FULL PAGE



Zooms IN



Zooms OUT



Zooms to 100%

Function Keys


Program Help - context sensitive based on current page


Edit field or cell


Activate LOOKUP or Drop Down for current field or cell


Refreshes Takeoff Totals (resends information to your Pricing application)

Scroll Wheel Functions (mouse)

Scroll Wheel

Pans image Vertically (Up & Down)


Click on the Pages Drop Down on the Image tab and you can use your scroll wheel to quickly cycle through the pages in your project

<Ctrl> + Scroll

Zooms In & Out

<Shift> + Scroll

Pans image Horizontally (Left & Right)

Control Buttons



Description or Action

Add New

Depending on focus, adds a new Condition, Blank Page or Style.


Edits the selected Condition or Style.


Deletes the selection (when performed on a Master Table, cannot be undone).


Duplicates the selected Bid, Condition, Page or Style.

New Folder

Create a new folder in the Cover Sheet pages grid or in the Condition window.


Opens a Browse window where you can navigate to any folder containing image files. When you select one of those files, On-Screen Takeoff automatically adds ALL OTHER files of the matching type.

Add Single File

Opens a Browse window where you can navigate to any folder containing an image file. Adds only the selected file.

Change Folder

Allows you to select multiple pages and change the folder where On-Screen Takeoff expects to find the image files.


Opens a dialog box where you can lookup an entry.


Move Up

Moves a selected item UP in the list.

Move Down

Moves a selected item DOWN in the list.

DPC Mode

Activates Digital Production Control - only available to users with a DPC or DPM license.


NOTE: While in DPC Mode, the bid will remain locked in Quick Bid.



Most Drop Down menus can be expanded so you can see the entire contents. When a drop down menu is activated, click on the bottom right corner of the list and drag it down and to the right to expand the list.



On-Screen Takeoff Toolbars 

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