On-Screen Takeoff 3.8.1 User Guide
21.02.05 Unable to Modify Bid(s)
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21 Support & Troubleshooting > 21.02.05 Unable to Modify Bid(s)

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Unable to Modify Bid(s)

Being unable to modify a bid or project can be caused by several factors. Below are the most common reasons for being unable to modify a bid or project.

Using Job Statuses to Lock Bids

The Master Job Statuses menu can be modified to Lock specific bid descriptions. A locked Job Status assigned to a project will make the project Read Only, restricting the ability to make any changes. To check if the Job Status is locked, perform the following steps:


  1. The Cover Sheet of any bid will show the Job Status



  2. You can check whether the Job Status is locked by clicking the lookup button or by selecting Master > Job Statuses



  3. In the Job Statuses window, a check mark in the Lock Bid column will designate the bid as being locked, making it Read Only



Additional Information: In the example above, any bids set to Pending would be Read Only - You can simply remove the Lock Bid check mark or set the bid to another status and it will be in Edit mode again

Interactive Bids

You must have both applications running and authorized to make changes to interactive bids.


Verify that the application is authorized.


Additional Information: For help with authorizing your software, review the FAQ How Do I Authorize My Program? 

Database Issues

If you have been using a particular database and suddenly, something happens and you are no longer able to make modifications, a couple of things may have happened:



To resolve these issues, try these steps:






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