On-Screen Takeoff 3.8.1 User Guide
18.02 Price Using Microsoft Excel
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18 Pricing > 18.02 Price Using Microsoft Excel

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Price Using Microsoft Excel

Use this option if you keep track of your pricing in an Excel spreadsheet. On Screen Takeoff gives you two options to link takeoff data to your Excel spreadsheet for pricing material and labor:



To automatically link a condition quantity to an Excel spreadsheet you must have Price Using Microsoft Excel (cell or name) selected on your bid Cover Sheet.




When you select Price Using Microsoft Excel (cell or name), you must specify the location of an existing Excel Workbook.


  1. If you know the file location, you can input it directly, or click the Lookup icon to locate your Excel Workbook file
  2. Click OK to save the changes to your Cover Sheet
  3. Click on the Image tab if it not already open
  4. Open the Condition Properties dialog by double-clicking on a Condition from the Image tab - The Results field will appear like the example below depending on the Quantity results you select


  5. To designate the Excel cell, you click on the Grid icon - This will display your spreadsheet
  6. Locate the cell to which you want On-Screen Takeoff to link the Condition Quantity Result
  7. Double-click in the cell and it will be linked to On-Screen Takeoff
  8. On-Screen Takeoff either uses the cell reference (E13) or assigns a range name (like Sheet1.qty631.1) and uses this as a reference
  9. The Quantity's cell or range name is used as the destination within the worksheet to export the Quantity value
  10. To update or refresh your Excel spreadsheet press <F9> on your keyboard, or from the Bid menu, click Refresh Worksheet on the main menu bar
  11. By default, any time you leave this bid or close the program, you will be prompted to refresh your Excel spreadsheet with current condition values You can disable this prompt by clicking Tools > Options and removing the check mark for Prompt to refresh worksheet before closing bid


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