On-Screen Takeoff 3.8.1 User Guide
16.04 Exporting the Bids, Takeoff and Worksheet Tabs
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16 Importing and Exporting > 16.04 Exporting the Bids, Takeoff and Worksheet Tabs

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Exporting the Bids, Takeoff and Worksheet Tabs

On-Screen Takeoff allows you to export the Bids, Takeoff and Worksheet tabs into various formats.

Exporting Bids tab

To export a list of all jobs currently displayed on the Bids tab, click the Print Preview button . This displays the Bids tab report which you can either Print or Export.


Click to EnlargeClick to Enlarge

Exporting the Takeoff or Worksheet tabs

There are three ways to export information from the Takeoff and Worksheet tabs.


Copy specific rows to your spreadsheet program.

You can select specific rows on the Takeoff tab to copy to a spreadsheet program. To copy one row, simply right-click it and select Copy. To select multiple rows, draw a box around the rows, starting from the bottom of the screen and drawing to the upper left:


Click to EnlargeClick to Enlarge


The rows will turn blue after you release the mouse button - right-click and select Copy, then paste into your spreadsheet program:


Click to EnlargeClick to Enlarge


This same principle works on the Worksheet tab.

Export the Takeoff or Worksheet tab information to a CSV (comma separated value) file

  1. From the Takeoff or Worksheet tab, click File>Export>To Takeoff File
  2. Click OK on the next screen (you can only export these Tabs as CSV files)



  3. Name the file and click Save
  4. You can open the CSV file in most spreadsheet programs 

Exporting From Print Preview

  1. From the Print Preview window, click the Export Report icon


    Click to EnlargeClick to Enlarge


  2. The Export dialog displays



  3. Under Format, select the file format you want your report to be exported into
  4. Under Destination, select the target location where you want to save your file


NOTE: Depending on format and destination, the program will either create a new file or will open the Application to which you've chosen to export and send the exported file directly to that application. If you are sending directly to an application such as Acrobat, Word or Excel, be sure that application is installed and properly activated before exporting (for example, if you choose to export to an Excel file, you must have Microsoft Excel installed on your PC - On-Screen Takeoff does not include functionality to read/open these files).


Additional Information: You cannot export the Image tab - it can only be printed.


Importing Employee Lists 

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