On-Screen Takeoff 3.8.1 User Guide
13.05.03 Typical Group Markers
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13 Areas and Typical Areas, Groups and Pages > 13.05.03 Typical Group Markers

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Typical Group Markers

A Typical Group Marker is a place keeper - it tells On-Screen Takeoff to apply, in the position where the marker is placed, the takeoff from inside the associated Typical Group Frame. The takeoff isn't really on the page where the Typical Group Marker is placed, it only resides inside the Typical Group Frame. You cannot edit or manipulate takeoff associated with a Typical Group Marker directly. You CAN reposition it on the page as a group, but you cannot select a specific object.


For example, in the example below, our Typical Group is a wall and door, when you place a Typical Group Marker, you cannot select just the door or just the wall - it's a Group of takeoff (actually, it's a "pointer" to the actual takeoff) - the only way to edit a Typical Group is to return to the Typical Group Frame.


Each Typical Group Marker represents the takeoff of a Typical Group Frame. Once a Typical Group Frame is created, you can click anywhere in the Image window to create Typical Group Markers for that selected Typical Group. The Marker will be the same color as the frame. The Marker's shape is specified in the Typical Group Properties dialog and is listed next to the associated Typical Group in the Conditions List. Using a Typical Group Marker is very similar to performing Count takeoff.

Adding Typical Group Markers

  1. Select a Typical Group from the Conditions List
  2. Click once in the Image Window where you want to place a copy of the Typical Takeoff - a Typical Group Marker appears



  3. Repeat this step until you have placed a Marker every where this Typical Group occurs


    • Each Marker represents one instance of the takeoff in the Typical Group Frame
    • Each time a Marker is placed, the selected Typical Group's quantity increases by 1 in the Conditions List
    • Quantities for the Conditions included in the selected Typical Group Frame are also updated depending on the number of Markers that placed or removed on the page



NOTE: Remember, Condition Quantities are subtotals on a page-by-page basis. If you have multiple pages in your Bid, the quantities for the Typical Groups and Conditions will only be affected on the current page. The only instance where an item affects other pages is if you make changes to the takeoff objects within a Typical Group Frame. To see bid-level totals, you would review the Takeoff or Worksheet tabs.

In the example below, we placed one (1) Typical Group Marker on the page. The Qty 1 for Typical Group 1 in the Conditions List increases by 1. Quantities for the Conditions which include takeoff within the Typical Group Frame are updated.

Click to EnlargeClick to Enlarge


As each Typical Group Marker is added, the quantity for Typical Group 1 will increase by 1 while the quantities for Conditions Wall Type 2 - 6" and LH Doors will also increase. If a Marker is deleted, the quantities will reduce in the same manner as they increased.

Overlapping Typical Group Markers

Typical Group Markers may be placed on top of other Markers from the same or other Typical Groups as well as on top of other manual takeoff. When a Marker intersects or is completely enclosed within of a Typical Group Frame, you will receive a warning notification.



These Markers will not be included within the Typical Group, but will act as regular takeoff and are not considered part of the takeoff contained within the Typical Group Frame.


Takeoff from multiple Markers from the same or different Typical Groups can overlap other Markers. This takeoff can also overlap Typical Group Frames. It is only when the actual Marker itself is on or in the Frame where you receive the warning notification.

Selecting Typical Group Markers

You do not have to have the Typical Group selected in the Conditions List to select one of its Markers. To select any Marker, follow the steps below.


  1. Click the Select Arrow tool from the Main toolbar
  2. Click the Typical Group Marker that you wish to select once
  3. It is now selected




    If you have chosen not to show takeoff with the Typical Group Marker, a tiny square will appear inside the Typical Group Marker to show it is selected.



    If the takeoff is displayed, this square will appear and all of the takeoff will have a yellow border to indicate it has been selected.


  4. Click anywhere in the Image window to deselect a Marker

Selecting Multiple Markers, from the same or multiple Typical Groups

You can select multiple markers by holding down the <Shift> key and click on each Marker or Roping the Markers you wish to select. When multiple Markers are selected, each marker will have a yellow border versus the Typical Group Marker indicator box (above).



Click again on a marker to deselect it or click anywhere in the Image window to deselect all markers.

Moving Typical Group Markers

Selected Markers can be moved to anywhere in you bid by either dragging, cutting, or copying and then pasting them to a new location.

Dragging (for moving markers on the same page)

For single or multiple selected Markers, click and hold down the left mouse button anywhere on the Marker or its takeoff. Drag it to its new location on the page and release the mouse button. You can also select the Marker and 'nudge' it using the arrow keys on your keyboard.

Cutting (to a different page)

For single or multiple selected Markers:


  1. Right-click the Marker or group of Markers - the Context Menu appears
  2. Click Cut
  3. From the Page List Drop Down Menu in the Main toolbar, select the page you wish to go to - The selected page opens
  4. Right-click the desired location of that page - the Context Menu appears
  5. Click Paste - the Typical Group Marker pastes to the page


NOTE:  Only after you have pasted the cut Marker in its new location does it delete from its original location on the other page.
Copying (to a different page)
  1. Right-click the Marker or group of Markers - the Context Menu appears
  2. Click Copy
  3. From the Page List Drop Down Menu in the Main toolbar, select the page you wish to go to - The selected page opens
  4. Right-click the desired location of that page - the Context Menu appears
  5. Click Paste -  the Typical Group Marker pastes to the page
  6. The original copied Marker will remain in its original location


NOTE: With Copying, you will still have the Marker on the clipboard and will be able to paste the copied Marker multiple times. A cut Marker can only be pasted once.

Jumping to a Typical Group Frame

When you double-click a Typical Group Marker, you will jump to the page where that Marker's Frame exists and will center on the Frame itself. This let's you easily see exactly what is included in your Typical Group. To return to your previous location, click the Back button .

Setting a Typical Group Marker Count

If you have a Typical Group that repeats numerous times on a page and you know already how many times, you can manually set a count.


  1. First, place a single Typical Group Marker on the page
  2. Now, select the Typical Group Marker (see above), right-click and select Set Typical Group Marker Count


    Click to EnlargeClick to Enlarge


  3. Enter a value for the number of counts of this Typical Group you want to assign to this Typical Group Marker - In the example below, we entered 20



    NOTE: After entering the 20, the Total Count for this Typical Group Marker is 20 and there are 20 takeoff markers on the page (stacked one on top of another). This allows you to move the markers around the page. They're in a stack so it may look like only one is there, but if you select the marker and drag it, you'll notice the others are still there.


    Click to EnlargeClick to Enlarge


This image shows how the stacked markers can be moved and rearranged as needed.


Rotating Typical Group Markers

Sometimes, the takeoff represented by a Typical Group Marker doesn't line up with the plans exactly. You can rotate a Typical Group Marker just like any other takeoff. Simply select the marker, then right-click it and select Rotate, and then choose one of the selections.


Additional Information: See Rotating & Spinning Takeoff for more information.

Repeating Pages 

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