On-Screen Takeoff 3.8.1 User Guide
13.01 Bid Areas, Typical Takeoff and Repeating Pages
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13 Areas and Typical Areas, Groups and Pages > 13.01 Bid Areas, Typical Takeoff and Repeating Pages

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Bid Areas, Typical Takeoff and Repeating Pages

Bid Areas

Bid Areas are defined locations within a single project like buildings, floors, levels, wings, phases or zones. Area names generally refer to the contract drawings or page number (Building 1, Floor 2, for example).


Bid Areas are the first step in logically designating takeoff to different areas of your project and are required for using Typical Areas and recommended for Typical Groups and Repeating Pages.

Typical Takeoff

There are three types of Typical Takeoff: Typical Areas, Typical Groups and Repeating Pages.


Each of these allows a user to takeoff some conditions once, and then quickly multiple those results (Typical Areas and Repeating Pages) or apply that takeoff wherever they choose (Typical Groups).


All Typical Takeoff can be assigned to whatever Bid Area a user chooses. As an example, using Typical Takeoff allows an estimator to takeoff a particular room type/unit in a building once, and then have the program calculate the total takeoff based on how often that area repeats within the plans.


Details of all three Typical Takeoffs are included in this section, after you learn about Bid Areas.


Creating Bid Areas 

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