On-Screen Takeoff 3.8.1 User Guide
11.03.01 Creating a Style (Saving a Condition for Future use)
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11 Conditions, Styles, Styles Sets and Zones > 11.03.01 Creating a Style (Saving a Condition for Future use)

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Creating a Style (Saving a Condition for Future use)

A Style is any Condition saved for use in other Bids. Styles allow the same Condition to be used in multiple Bids - they make it easier to be consistent from bid-to-bid. Styles are stored in the Style Library and are available for use in all bids in the database.


Additional Information: See Master Tables - Style Library for a refresher on the Style Library.


Because the Style Library groups Styles according to Condition Type, every Style should include a Type.


Additional Information: For more information on Condition Types, review Master Tables - Condition Types.

Saving an Existing Condition as a Style

  1. To save a Condition as a Style, right-click on a Condition in the Conditions List window and click Save to Style Library from the context menu



  2. A Confirmation dialog opens verifying your intent to save this Condition as a Style



  3. Click Yes to save to the Style Library
  4. Now you can see your Style listed in the Style Library


Adding Multiple Conditions to the Style Library at once

Press the <Shift> or <Ctrl> key on your keyboard while you select each Condition or, select all Conditions at once by pressing <Ctrl> <A>. Right-click and select Save to Style Library, and then click Yes to confirm.


Additional Information: If the database requires logins, the current user must have Styles/Sets-Full Access in order to add or modify Styles. See Setting Employee Access Levels for more information.

Creating a Style from Scratch

  1. To create a new Style from scratch open the Style Library by clicking Master > Style Library



  2. Click the New button - The Style Properties dialog opens


    NOTE: Notice, it's basically the same as the Condition Properties dialog box - that's because a Style is really just a saved Condition. The only big difference is the name of the dialog box.



  3. Setup the Style Properties as necessary and click OK


Additional Information: For more assistance with setting up a Style, follow the steps for Creating a Condition From Scratch.


Modifying an Existing Style 

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