On-Screen Takeoff 3.8.1 User Guide
10.04.02 Deskewing an Image (Straightening a Crooked Image)
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Deskewing an Image (Straightening a Crooked Image)

Sometimes, after scanning in paper plans, the page will be off the horizontal axis slightly and images will look crooked on the Image tab. To fix this use the Deskew function.


To deskew an image, Click Image > Deskew. The Deskew Image dialog displays, which has directions for deskewing the image.


Find a known horizontal line on your drawing. Click on the line and drag to trace over it from left to right - the line you draw will be red. The program will attempt to rotate the drawing level to this line.


NOTE: It's best to find the longest known horizontal line possible. The longer the reference point, the better On-Screen Takeoff can straighten the display.


Deskewing an image does not actually edit the image file - it only changes how On-Screen Takeoff displays the image.


Setting and Calculating the Scale of an Image 

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