On-Screen Takeoff 3.8.1 User Guide
10.01.03 Using Overlays
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10 Images > 10.01.03 Using Overlays

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Using Overlays

The Overlay feature allows addendum drawings to overlay existing images, making it easy to identify changes.


Additions appear in BLUE (overlay image) and deletions appear in RED (original image).


  • You can only overlay one image per image page in On-Screen Takeoff. If you have multiple addendums for the same page, you will need to open the Cover Sheet, duplicate the base image (page), and then overlay one image on the original and the other image on the duplicate.


  • Overlays cannot be an indexed (multi-page) file. They must be single page files in order to display correctly. (An example of an indexed file is a single PDF file that contains multiple pages - in this case, only Page 1 can be displayed as an overlay. You can use Adobe Reader to extract the individual pages, if necessary).


  • When first adding an Overlay to a page, the program will attempt to automatically resize the Overlay to match the Base Image. You may need to manually resize the Overlay using the steps below to fine-tune the image.

To select an Overlay Image

  1. Right-click anywhere on the image and click OverlaySelect Overlay Image



  2. The Add Image dialog displays
  3. Browse to the addendum drawing, select the file, and then click Open - The Overlay Orientation window appears



  4. Select the orientation for the overlay image, based on the orientation of the original, and then click OK
  5. You are asked if the image needs to be deskewed (this should be done if the image was scanned at an angle)



  6. Selecting Yes will open the Deskew Image window



  7. To deskew the image, make sure the Select tool  is active, find a horizontal line on the overlay image (BLUE), and then click and drag to trace the line from left to right
  8. Once the image is deskewed, you are asked if the image needs to be resized (if one image is smaller than the other, you should resize the image)



  9. Selecting Yes will open the Resize Overlay window




  10. With the Select tool  active, click the upper left corner of the overlay image (BLUE) - Once done, you will see a crosshairs icon appear



  11. You are now prompted to click the point on the original image (RED) that this point should align to



  12. Once done, you will see a second, smaller crosshairs icon appear



  13. You are now prompted to click lower right area of the overlay image (BLUE)



  14. Once done, a crosshairs icon appears in the lower right corner



  15. You are now prompted to click the point on the original image (RED) that this point should align to



  16. Once done, you will see a second, smaller crosshairs icon appear



  17. If you need to make additional adjustments on the lower point, click the original image (RED) again, otherwise, click OK



  18. The addendum drawing is overlaid on top of the original image, deskewed, and in the selected orientation


Align Overlay Image

If the image is slightly off, then use the Alignment Tool by right-clicking anywhere on the image and clicking Overlay > Align Overlay Image. A line with green circles at either end is displayed - this is the Alignment Tool.




Adjust the image until it is predominately grey (a purplish gray). Once the images are aligned, deletions are shown in RED and additions in BLUE. Adjust your takeoff as needed to account for the changes in the overlay.


NOTE: When you zoom in very closely, you may see less grey - this is expected. Every page is slightly different if you zoom in very closely. On-Screen Takeoff compares the two images and will show you what is different, even when zoomed in to individual pixels. The Overlay feature is designed to allow you to see what has changed, overall, on a plan.

Resize Overlay Image

 At times, the overlay image will be the wrong size or the wrong DPI, causing the overlay to appear much smaller than the original.



When this occurs, use the Resize Overlay Tool.


The Resize Overlay Tool allows you stretch the overlay image to fit the dimensions of the original image. This is selected by right-clicking anywhere on the page and clicking Overlay > Resize Overlay Image (alternately you can press <Alt> + <R> on your keyboard).



Additional Information: Reference the steps listed above for instructions on using the Resize Overlay Tool.


Converting Overlay PDFs to TIFF 

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