15.01 Analysing Takeoff Totals

The Takeoff tab enables you to view quantity breakdowns of your Conditions according to results indicated in the Condition Properties dialog (i.e. Linear Feet, Square Feet, Each).


You also have the option to see Takeoff Totals, Takeoff and Typical Group/Area Totals or just Individual Typical Group Totals. See the next article for more information.

You can group these totals by Areas, Zones, Type and Pages. Simply right click anywhere on the Takeoff Tab and select/deselect the various grouping options.  When grouping, the group order is Pages, Type, Zones then Areas.

When you group the Takeoff Tab by more than one or two selections, it can get a bit unwieldy. The example below shows how a very simple, two page plan with only three conditions can get very detailed if you choose all 4 of the group-by options.


To sort Takeoff, click on the desired column header (i.e. No., Name, Height), an arrow will appear next to the group title.  A down arrow will sort in descending order, and an up arrow in ascending.

The Takeoff is setup in spreadsheet format.


Printing the Takeoff Tab

The Takeoff Tab Report will print with the same sort established on the Takeoff tab. Simply click the Print Preview button when you are viewing the Takeoff Tab to generate the report.

You can also export the Takeoff or Worksheet Tab Reports, see Exporting Bids, Takeoff and Worksheet Tabs in the next section.


Typical Takeoff Totals