13.07.01 Resizing Takeoff

Resizing Linear and Area Objects

When resizing an Area takeoff, you can grab one of the corners of the takeoff object to extend a segment, or, in the middle of a segment to move the segment in/out.


Resizing Attachment Objects

Attachment conditions cannot be individually resized on the Image tab.  If you have a door as an attachment, for instance, and you want to make this particular door a different size, you have to go that particular Attachment condition’s Condition Properties dialog to change the size.

Doing this will change the size for all objects of this condition type.  To change the size of a particular attachment, you must create a new Attachment condition for that particular size and re-assign the original takeoff to the new Condition.  See Reassigning Takeoff Objects to a Different Condition.


Copying, Pasting and Moving Takeoff Objects