Main Toolbar

The Main toolbar provides application functions such as opening databases, printing, and deleting. Some functions are not available depending on your license and role.


Button Name

What it Does


Shortcut Key


Opens the Open Databases window <Ctrl> + <O>


Prints whatever currently has focus <Alt>, <F>, <P>

Print Preview

Previews whatever as focus before sending to printer <Alt>, <F>, <V>


Deletes whatever currently has focus <Delete> Key


Undoes the last action <Ctrl>+ <Z>


Redo the last UnDone action <Ctrl> + <Shift> + <Z>

Cover Sheet

Opens the Cover Sheet for the selected project  


Allows user to send the project or DPC Changes to another user  

Bid View

Quickly changes from Base Bid to any Alternate or Change Order. Once a bid is in DPC Mode, Accepted Alternates are automatically incorporated into the Base Bid's Image  

03 - Navigation Toolbar