Digital Production Control - User Interface

Once you activate DPC mode, the interface changes to display all of the Digital Production Control functions. This Quick Start Guide will explain all of the new buttons, menus and screens you will see and prepare you for using the program more efficiently.

To view/download a printable copy of this Quick Start Guide, click here.

The first thing you will notice is that there are four different Tabs which replace the Takeoff and Worksheet Tabs:




Bids Bids Tab has the same functionality as in On-Screen Takeoff - when DPC mode is active, it also gives the Project Manager and Foreman a quick overview of each DPC job - % complete, last update, etc.
Image Image Tab provides an area to view Labor Cost Codes, production and plans. This tab is where you percent jobs to track construction progress.
Budget Budget Tab is used to keep track of your project's budget.
Timecard Timecard Tab is used to record employee time.
Payroll Recap
Payroll Recap Tab is used to review previous time sheets.
Notes Notes Tab is used to make any notes for your project.
Project Express
Project Express allows a DPC user to seamlessly send and receive files to/from other DPC users. The Project Express Tab allows a user to manage incoming and sent files.
